Christian County Elks #2777 was honored to host 59 veterans on Wednesday for the annual Veterans Appreciation Thanksgiving Dinner. Veterans attending were from Mount Vernon Veterans had 20 veterans, Century Pines had 10 and Castle Wood had 5. More importantly several guests were World War II veterans. Elk member, Lynn Morris, our State Representative passed out Viet Nam Lapel pins to all veterans and Benny Thomas filled the room with wonderful guitar sounds. All guests and members were treated to a full turkey dinner and dessert, mostly donated by Elk members.
A BIG thanks to Veterans Chairman, Denny Peterson, for organizing this event and to all the volunteers that set-up, served and cleaned-up. We cannot do it without you! This event is a center-point of what the Elks stand for…supporting veterans along with children in need. Want to support your community, veterans and children? Join the Elks. Contact Christian County Elks #2777 at 417-581-4190.