On October 12 the Christian County Elks 2777 held their annual Poker Run Fundraiser to support the Elks National Dictionary Program. All the funds raised will be donated to purchase dictionaries for 3rd graders in Ozark school system. On a cold and brisk morning, all participants met at the Christian County Elks lodge to pick their first poker-hand card and start the Poker Run. Stop number two was at the Springfield Elks, then Webb City Elks and onto Joplin Elks lodge. After over 200 miles, the Poker Run final stop was returning to the Christian County Elks with everyone picking their final poker-hand card. Springfield Elks #409, Linda Hrdlicka, was the big winner with a pair of aces. Linda took home a new motorcycle helmet with other participants winning raffle prizes donated by local businesses. At the CC Elks lodge everyone was treated to hamburgers and hot dogs, good cheer and an end to a super fun day. Special thanks to everyone who donated to the Poker Run fundraiser, to event organizers Leading Knight Charlie Falzone and CC Elks Dictionary Chairman and Lodge Esquire Jan Bruenger and to everyone who helped make the this year’s event a complete success.
By Mike Klinger PER