Flag Day, an Elks Tradition
The Annual Elks Flag Day ceremony was celebrated on Saturday June 19 at Christian County Elks 2777 with Exalted Ruler Mike Klinger presiding. After ER Klinger welcomed all the members and guest, Lodge Chaplain Shirley Smith led everyone in the opening prayers followed by Lodge Treasurer, Jerry Fritchman, leading the attendees in the Star Spangle Banner and later in the ceremony all joined in with God Bless America. Participating in the ceremony was Esquire Jan Bruenger PER, Lodge Trustee Charles Falzone PER, Loyal Knight Doug Hickman, and Lecturing Knight Howard McCoy. ER Klinger and his team performed an impressive Flag Day ceremony with the history of the American Flag and the Retirement of Flags handed-off to Scout Troop #210 for the customary burning at our Lodge outdoor pavilion. Special guest speaker, Bob Sarver, Public Relations Director for Branson Veterans of America 913, spoke of the MIA/POW flag and many interesting facts regarding the Vietnam wall in Washington DC. Thanks to veterans that attended from many locations: Castlewood Senior Living, Century Pines Assisted Living, Branson Veterans of America 913, Ozark Veterans Coalition, and the CC Elks from Lodge 2777. Thank you to all that attended, the CC Elks Auxiliary for the fantastic brunch, to Scout Troop 201 for presenting the flags and Flag Retirement, to our veterans and first responders and a special thanks to Loyal Knight Doug Hickman for organizing the CC Elks Flag Day.